From the Harvard Business Review: Prevent Negativity from Taking Over Your Team

Prevent Negativity from Taking Over Your Team
As a manager, you need to constantly be taking the pulse of your team’s collective emotions—whether they’re frustrated with a new strategic direction, anxious about a leadership transition, or upset because of recent layoffs. How can you prevent these negative emotional dynamics from festering on your team? First, to the extent that you’re able, modify the situation that’s at the source of the negativity, and express to your employees that you recognized their collective emotion and made a change. At the same time, reappraise the underlying situation that’s brought on the negative energy. Can you reframe it in a way that inspires hope and positivity? Next, galvanize your team by returning its focus to a collective goal or priority. Finally, practice “response modulation.” This involves controlling your outward expression of your own emotional experience in order to set the tone for others. Your employees are looking to you as a signal of what they should feel. If you maintain a positive and authentic posture in response to a challenging situation, you can positively influence the group’s collective emotion.
This tip is adapted from Managing Your Team’s Emotional Dynamic,” by Amit Goldenberg