Safety, Fleet and Driver Audits

I know this is from Canada, but similar regulations exist in the US as well. This company had the unfortunate experience of two fatality accidents recently, which triggered an investigation of the company.

As you can see in the article, these incidents caused a great deal of grief and loss for the families in the community and the drivers who were involved, but also time and expense for the company.

This article proves once again the importance of a company’s 100% commitment to safety, proper safety training of employees, the documentation of these practices, and the proper procedures and documentation of equipment maintenance and repair. When the auditors come knocking at you door, its far too late to scramble to get this put together as they are sitting in your office going through you whole operation with a fine tooth comb. It doesn’t matter if you have one truck or one hundred. these proper procedures may someday save your business.

I am familiar with a similar audit several years ago where the officers conducting the audit took an entire day just to calculate the fine to be levied on the company being investigated. Fortunately for the company in this article, they had the proper things in place, and while it wasn’t perfect, because of their sincere efforts, it sounds like they came out in as good of shape as could be hoped.

Would your company have the same result?